Can I have March back?
March went slowly, but I’d like a re-do. I bet we all would. Managing our new normal, at least for a while brought a lot of challenges. I work from home a lot any way and have a wonderful co-worker in Roxy. But then school shut down and Rick came home. Wow, was that a change. I travel extensively for work. Or I used to. I love hotels, trying new restaurants and walking a new city. I miss getting out of Dodge once in a while.
But there have been wonderful and unexpected things that have happened and I’ve started to keep a log of them. I call them the positive unintended consequences of this world changing virus. I’m doing yoga every freaking day - finally! Someone I know just met people who have been their neighbors for years (from a safe distance of course). I have seen the inside of more famous people’s homes than a Hollywood bus tour. My favorite for some reason was seeing Al Roker’s kitchen. I actually giggled. I take almost daily walks with Rick. I remember to surrender and offer to the Divine, because really, what else can we do? I feel more grateful for my home than I have in a while. Someone else I know is cooking again. Another person is back to yoga after 10 years. What are your unexpected but wonderful? Sending you all big hugs and warm wishes. If you ever want to talk, meditate together or laugh, give me a call. I’m here for you.
Laughing it off.